Tuesday, March 9, 2010

...a case of the i don't want to's...

Yesterday, I had a bad case of the "I don't want to's."  I'm sure you've had them.  The ones where you wake up, and you don't want to do anything.  I didn't want to wake up early...it was raining outside.  The day was made for staying in bed, cuddling with my husband and my baby (in my tummy lol).  I didn't want to get out in the rain, or get on a loud, bouncing bus, and even though I adore my kids, I really didn't want to teach first grade. 
Sound familiar??  I doubt I'm the only one who has experienced them.  But the absolute beauty of those days is that they are a choice, in every way.  The second my alarm goes off, I have a choice, and it is one that goes far beyond whether to get up or hit the snooze again (and again...).  It has everything to do with where my eyes are going to be.  I can look upon myself and choose to be dictated by my feelings and emotions.  The result is that my attitude for the entire day is negative.  Everything becomes a burden, a chore.  It seeps into the way I treat my students and co-workers, my husband.  When my eyes are on me, I expect everything else to look that way as well.  And then when that doesn't happen, well...
Or, I can choose to put my eyes upon the Lord.  As I read yesterday in Psalms 93, I came upon these words:  "The Lord reigns, He is robed in majesty, the Lord is robed; He has put on strength as His belt...Your throne is established from of old; you are from everlasting." (Ps 93:1,2).  As I look to Him, I look to One who is immovable, unshaken by day-to-day things.  As I look to Him, I am reminded of who He is, what He has done for me.  As I think about the sheer glory of the Cross, the fact that He not only purposed me and chose me, He also died for me...I can't help but lose the thought that things have to go my way.  Instead, I remember that I am part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken by weather, sleepless nights, or bouncy buses (Hebrews 12:28, 29), and I am able to worship in the glory of the One who has established that kingdom.  To Him belongs glory, and focus, and all worth...even on days with the I dont' want to's...

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