Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's a Choice...

Growing up, I never would have thought I was a stubborn child. Jessie, definitely, but me??? No way...My parents (and my sister ;) would probably say otherwise. Looking back, I might have to admit that I had some stubborn moments. I can't tell you how many times I remember my Mom and Dad (who have suddenly become so wise the past few years...) telling me, "someday, you're going to realize I'm right..." I always rolled my eyes and kinda laughed to myself. Of course now, I realize that they actually did know what they were talking about, and even had some really good points...:D
One of the things that has come back to haunt me on an almost daily basis lately has been something that my Daddy said to me over and over again. Sometimes, it was at the shop, while he pounded away on a saddle and I pretended to help him. Other times, it was at the breakfast table, talking about the things we all had going on. And sometimes it was at night, when he would quietly come in my room, listen to everything that had gone on, and quietly remind me of his love without even saying a word. I can hear his voice now: "It's a choice, Lace. Life's a choice. Choose joy."
Not really the kind of wise words you want to hear when you want answers to all your problems. Not the kind of words you want when all you want is to know how to make things easier. Not really the answer we look for even now as face our daily battles. And yet, Daddy always knows best...always...:)
When I was younger, I had no idea what it meant. "Choose joy????" OF COURSE I choose joy?? Who doesn't want that?? Naively, I thought my mere desire for joy qualified me to have it...wrong again :). I'm beginning to see now what he meant. Every single moment brings with it a choice: the choice to get frustrated, the choice to over-react, the choice to be selfish and make it about me, the choice to take my eyes off of my Father, the choice to get angry and lash out, the choice to hold onto a grudge rather than running to forgiveness. We'd be ignorant to deny that every single moment brings with it a battle, a decision. I can choose myself, my own desires, my own ways, and run after that path. I can make every thing about me, and then throw a fit when the rest of the world doesn't chime in. I can choose to walk in misery, hanging my head and sticking out my lip because I didn't what I wanted. It's the easier choice, the one that feels better in the moment. I mean, let's be honest...who doesn't want to have things go their way???
Or...I can choose the way that is life. In Deuteronomy 30:11-16, Moses gives Israel his farewell address. He's done, his time is over...he's leaving them his last words. You might think that when someone is saying good-bye, they'd mention how much they loved a group, how much they will miss them. Not Moses. He spends entire chapters counselling Israel one last time. He tells them what will happen if they follow the Lord (what God Himself has promised them), and what will happen if they run after other idols. And then he says these words, "See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands, decrees, and laws; THEN you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess." (vs. 15, 16). It's like he's giving them a multiple choice quiz, and then telling them the answer. Choose LIFE, he says. Choose the way of our God. Not just because of the blessing, but because His way is life! He's the only one who is worthy of choosing, the only one who is worthy of following, the only one worth staking your lives upon! Choose Him, and in doing so you choose what is BEST.
It sounds so simple, doesn't it?? Choose life. Follow Christ. Easy, I can do that. Yet, we fail to realize how much ourselves get in the way.
I don't know how often in the past few weeks I've had to remind myself to choose the way that leads to joy, to life. It isn't something that just happens naturally inside us, though we wish it would. It's intentional, on purpose. It requires diligence, commitment, desire. With every moment, with every choice, be reminded that choosing CHRIST is the choice that leads to life.
And if you happen to hear Jeff Anderberg's voice ringing in your ears saying, "It's a choice...it's a choice...choose JOY," count yourself extremely blessed.
Choose joy...:)

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