Monday, December 14, 2009

A Pizza Hut...

Not the place you normally expect to hear a revealing word from the Lord, right??  But then again, who am I to limit anything He does or is...He is a God who knows no limits. 
Several of our friends from Panfork came to see us this weekend...we got to celebrate Bekah's birthday :) as well as each other.  Saturday night some of us went to a local basketball game.  One thing you have to love about small towns is that it keeps you from taking a really long time deciding where to eat:  our options were pretty much Pizza Hut or Dairy Queen (pizza won :), if you can imagine that...:).
As we were sitting waiting for our food, a priest came in to pick up an order.  I'm not sure everything that was said, but the manager of the store ended up giving him everything for free.
My tendency is to be so cynical.  Immediately my mind began thinking of so many things:  is something like that done just to be nice?  Or is there the hope that it maybe pays off good for you in the long run?  Would managers be as quick to give something like that away to a homeless person with no way of buying their next meal?  How often do people dress up like that just to pull a scam?  My last thought was about the priest himself:  did he even thank the Lord for something like that, or just brush it off as a really nice thing?  Was he thankful that God had just provided his next meal...completely for free?
And then it hit me...not only had the Lord provided for that priest's meal, He had provided for mine as well.  No, it wasn't given for free, but the money to pay for it...there's no doubt it came from Him.  The jobs Kade and I have that He uses to provide us money...those are from Him.  The fact that we have hands and arms that get the pizza to our mouths, and senses to taste and enjoy it...that's not my doing, or anyone else's.  It's from God.
Yet how often do I truly thank Him...even for pizza?  Oh Lord...don't let me lose sight of the fact that all I have is from You...and is such an evidence of Your grace.  Teach me what it means to acknowledge that in everything...even pizza.

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