Sunday, October 11, 2009

I took a walk today...

I took a walk today...partly to escape the load of laundry waiting for me, and partly to just escape.  All around home there are roads and paths that can lead you anywhere and nowhere all at the same time.  It didn't take long to just get caught up in seeing, enjoying, breathing it in.  The air smelled like fall, cool and crisp, with the promise of red leaves, candy apples, and evenings in front of fire places.  With every step, I found my heart growing more and more full with the beauty that surrounded me. 
Beauty.  It's there, alive with every step, every glance...staring you right in the face.  For me today, it was in fall trees; glassy ponds like a mirror, reflecting glory back upon glory; deer moving with sheer grace, thoughts of my husband, family, and friends...oh without a doubt...there is beauty all before us, around us.  It surrounds and overwhelms us...pointing our eyes to the One who is capable of creating it all, designing it all, allowing our eyes to take it all in...
I pray today you might find yourself aware of the glory before you...and as you behold it, may you find yourself even more aware of the One who is glory and glorious above it all.

I took a walk today, amongst the leaves and trees of fall...
strolled down wayward paths,
my eyes rejoicing at all I saw.

I took a walk today, no purpose at all in mind
yet in my drifting,
purpose I did find.

Beauty so full and so bright,
overwhelming, overflowing, spilling out
blessing the world with its light.

Beauty so perfect, so real, beyond the capabilities of man...
beauty that could only from a Source
with a greater purpose and plan.

Teach me, Oh Lord, to find You all around...
teach me to lift my eyes up to Your heights,
beyond the things of the world that surround.

Let our hearts be full of who You are...
made know to us more and more
byt the depths of beauty in our hearts.


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