Monday, October 5, 2009


It's official...I'm now 25...:/  I'm not gonna lie...there's part of me that is not really looking forward to being a quarter of a century old...there's part of me that looks back on the past 25 years and wonders, "what on earth have I really done with myself?"...there's part of me that is excited about the possibility of a new 25, the chance to take the few lessons I've learned, learn even more, and use them to find an increasing greater depth to life, a depth that is far beyond me.
Mostly though, I am overwhelmed.  I'm overwhelmed and completely humbled.  Think about what happens on a birthday:  people, whether they be family, friends, or random aquaintences (which happens more and mroe thanks to facebook :), pause--even if for just a few seconds--and take the time to tell you Happy come to your house for a birthday dinner, to think of you, to get you a present, to make you cake or ice cream (or if you're really lucky, both).  It's incredibly humbling.
The truth is, I deserve none of that...not even close.  I can't earn it, I can't be good enough for's not something you even can earn.  The point is that it's given so perfectly...yes it comes from family, from friends, from those around us...but that's not the real source...
These gifts of grace, these moments that just overwhelm you, that make you feel so fully you don't know if you could take any more in...they're the Lord.  It's our Father.  He doesn't give them to us for any other reason than He wants us to know His goodness.  He wants us to recognize that He is the Source of all things, and He grants them to us in order that we might fully delight ourselves in Him.
Oh, is with such a humble heart that I praise You, that I thank You.  You alone are the Source of everything, and all things are for You, and to You.  Open up my eyes that I might allow every single thing to cause my heart to realize You burn more for You.  I am overwhelmed at Your goodness, at Your grace, at Your love...and it is with sheer DELIGHT in You that my heart rejoices with Your praise.  To YOU be honor, glory, and adoration forever...

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