Tuesday, September 14, 2010

attack of the milk monster

I swear my house has monsters...well, maybe not monsters, but for sure a monster...a scary little monster :).
It's the milk monster.  I'm pretty sure it's a girl.  She comes around our house like clockwork, every two or three hours (but sometimes she's vicious and comes even sooner...)  She's small, and usually smells sweet and soft...although sometimes she has a foul odor that I can't quite place.  For some reason, she never bothers with Kade.  I don't know if she's not interested in him, or if she just likes me better, but she only really comes after me.  She comes, takes her greedy little fill, and then she's gone.  Sometimes, she's not here for very long...but other times, she's there for what feels like forever.  As soon as she's done, she's transformed into the cutest little bundle...sleepy and full, with eyes rolling backwards and a head that keeps wanting to flop forward.  Sometimes, she opens her eyes (for just a second), revealing the most amazingly beautiful baby blues I have ever seen.  And almost always, when she's done, she opens her mouth wide and lets out the biggest yawn...sometimes two or three.
Even though she attacks often, I've fallen in love with this little milk monster.  I just can't help myself.  She's vicious at times, but she's grown on me so much...I often find myself just looking at her, living her chubby little cheeks, touching her sweet fingers, and even kissing her perfect little round nose.  I've even found myself enjoying her "attacks,"enjoying getting to be close to her (as long as she's not in monster mode...:).
In fact, I've found that she's teaching me, molding me me, breaking me.  She teaches me what it means to not be selfish, she makes me forget myself, she teaches me how to rely completely upon the Lord's grace and strength instead of my own.  In fact...I rejoice in my little milk monster...I'm even trying to get her tame so I can keep her...:)


  1. Stockholm Syndrome . . . don't worry, it's common among victims of milk monsters ;)

  2. So absolutely sweet, Lacey! I love reading your blogs. You truly have a way with words. So glad you and Miss Selah are doing so great! :)
