Monday, August 9, 2010

doing good...

I love when my husband preaches.
It really is one of my favorite things.  While it does make me very proud to be his wife, I also learn so much from what he has to say.  It truly is a gift, one that I am very thankful for.  Yesterday was one of those days when I got to be thankful for the way the Lord speaks through him.
He was preaching out of Malachi, in chapter 3.  The Lord cries out to the people, declaring that they have robbed and stolen from Him (later He tells them that it is because they have failed to give Him the appropriate tithes and offerings).  Completely confused, they ask Him how they have robbed and stolen from Him.
Their question shows they don't get it.  What's convicting is how often I fail to get it too.  You see, they asked the Lord how they had robbed Him, because they didn't get that everything, every single thing they have, is His.  When I get that everything is His, it totally changes the way I view...well, everything.  Nothing is's all His.
I couldn't help but think of that this morning as I read in Galatians 6:  "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith."  All of a sudden, doing good is not a chore, a task, or one of those things I "have" to do.  I want to do good, because I get that nothing is's all been given to me, from Him.  The house I live in is not mine:  that means it's not a chore for people to come there; the husband I love so much is not mine:  that means that I don't share him begrudgingly when the Lord calls me to; this precious baby girl inside of me is not mine:  she is the Lord's, and because of that, I can raise her in Him, to do His perfect work.
Simple thoughts, but convicting nonetheless.  May your day today be lived in the fullness that everything around His.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you incorporated not only material things, but your loved ones. I find myself wanting to be selfish with the people I love. I want them all to myself. But they're not mine to keep. You're amazing. Thanks! <3
