Monday, August 23, 2010


Ok, so I promise not everything I write about it going to be about my baby girl.  But, seeing as how she is almost here, it kinda makes sense that she's on my mind quite a bit, right?  I thought about her a lot today.  I wrote some of my thoughts down to her, and thought I might share.  Here goes nothing...:)

Today I got to dream a little bit.  I was starting to go a little stir crazy in the house.  I’ve tried to keep busy by writing letters, doing some things for Sierra's classroom, cooking lunch, making calls for Daddy, reading, and anything else I can think of to do.
            I finally had to get out.  It’s been so hot lately that I hesitated, but I finally needed to see some different scenery.  So, we walked to the park.  It’s just a few blocks away.  We walked down there, sat on a bench under some trees, and I just read.  It was one of those nice slow reading days, the kind where you’re not really hurrying to get through the book.  Every couple of pages I would look around, enjoying the day and just thinking.  That’s when I would start dreaming.
            Soon, I’ll get to bring you here.  I know babies can’t get out and about right away, but I don’t plan on keeping you cooped up forever.  You need sunshine, fresh air, and outside as much as I do.  I can’t wait to take you there.  It’s not the most beautiful place on earth, but I just can’t wait to see it with you.  I can’t wait to be there, sit under those trees, and just enjoy a day…all with you. 
            In so many ways, you are going to change my life…I mean, really change my life.  But, one of the amazing things you’re going to do for me (and I don’t mean to say that selfishly), is that I am going to get to be with you.  We get to walk to the park, go to the store, see people, read books, have ice cream dates, and cook dinner…all with each other. 
            I know you’re not going to be my constant companion for life.  As you get older, you are going to make your own friends and do your own things.  But love, for a time, I get to be with you…in so many things.
            I dreamt about that today…and I rejoiced in it.  I’m completely humbled the Lord would grant me such a precious gift…one that I could never do enough to earn.  So hurry up and get here, love…we’ve got lots to do! :)
            I love you,

1 comment:

  1. Precious. I cannot wait for you to receive this glorious blessing. A daughter is such a magical and amazing gift. I can't even think of a word that truly describes the feeling. I'm so incredibly happy for you; you have no idea.
